Loree Scheyli
Professional Massage Therapy

Who, why, and how services help

Everyone can benefit from client centered, skilled bodywork! My goal for every client is to reduce their physical and emotional pain by applying integrated therapeutic techniques with compassionate care.  

Professionals living with the stress of deadlines, difficult decisions and long work hours.

People undergoing cancer treatments have emotional and physical side effects from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Massage therapy gives the client a healthy tool to help cope during this intense time. 

Anyone experiencing pain from physically demanding tasks that impose repetitive stress on their bodies and/or poor posture habits.

Those suffering from tension and emotional upset due to loss, trauma or illness.

Pregnant women and new parents coping with the physical and emotional stresses accompanying childbearing.

Life is demanding and at times overwhelming. "Refilling your cup" through seeking out integrative care is a gift to yourself whatever your life circumstances are.